Media Room

The Personal Blog of Monsignor Paul Byrnes, 2007 - 2020

Monsignor Byrnes shared his reflections and thoughts in the "Half Hermit by the Lake" blog, originally hosted on Blogpost.  As long as that blog remains active, you can click here to see his original posts and any comments associated with those posts.

However, in the event that his blog account is deactivated or becomes unavailable over time, we have preserved Father Paul's blog contents here on our Parish website.

Our "captured" version of Father Paul's blog is a collection of PDF files, each file containing one calendar year of posts.  Like the originals on Blogpost, these PDF files have the blogs listed in reverse chronological order, so they should be read "bottom-up".   The blog entries begin at the bottom of the file and move forward in time toward the top of the file.*

Click here for Father Paul's archived blogposts hosted here on our website.

Thank you Father Paul! 

* Our thanks and gratitude go out to our brother Ed Sereno for capturing and compiling all of the original blog entries into these PDF files which can now be retained indefinitely.

Eternal rest grant unto him, Oh Lord, and may your perpetual light shine upon him.

May his soul, and all the souls of the faithful departed, through mercy of God, rest in peace.  Amen.