Eucharistic Adoration
at St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish

Archbishop Fulton Sheen made a promise when he was ordained that he would make a Holy Hour every day, and he did that for 60+ years!  He said,

“The Holy Hour is not a devotion; it is a sharing in the work of redemption. 'Could you not watch one hour with Me?' Not for an hour of activity did He plead, but for an hour of companionship.” 

Take one hour out of your busy schedule to visit with Jesus. Forget everything else and focus on Jesus to find clarity, peace, and fellowship. Come to thank Him. Come to Adore Him! Come to deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ.

Join us and watch for additional opportunities!

Note: Depending on the availability of a Priest or Deacon, schedules may change. Please call the office (301-334-2202) or email us at to confirm the schedule.

Week Day

Weekday (Monday-Thursday)*

* When a Priest is not present, a Communion Service will be offered. Call the office for schedule updates.



* When a Priest or Deacon is present. 


First Sunday

Next Opportunity - Sunday, march. 2.

208 South 4th Street, Oakland, MD 21550

Special Dates 

PLEASE watch your emails, our website and Facebook for new opportunities and potential rescheduling.

We Want to Hear From You: 

Will you join us at Eucharistic Adoration at St. Peter at the Lake (Lake Center) more frequently? We're open to suggestions and hope you'll share them with us here.